Do period change drastically...?

Jess • 26. Teacher, wife, big sister Lover of bees, coffee, & quality writing utensils

Since I got married and started having sex, about 5 months ago, my period has been completely changed. Prior, I used to get 2 days light, brown old blood, 3 days heavy red and clots, 2 days light spotting. All accompanied by horrific back pain and cramps.

Now, I get one day light, pink spotting, 1 or 2 days light flow and easy cramping, then boom, ghosted.

At first I thought maybe I was pregnant. So I tested last month and nothing.

I mean, I’ve been heckin stressed lately, worse than I’ve ever been. And there’s the sex thing, which is new for me.

But is this normal???? Could I possibly be pregnant even though store tests are coming negative?