Am I crazy?!

Kim • Mama & Wife 💙

So I am 9dpo today it’s now the night time here for me. For past 2-3 days been having mild cramping mainly on my left.

Had kind of sensitive boobs a day or so ago but not so bad now.

Felt super tired past 2-3days

Constant headache but hasn’t been so bad I need pain relief.

And now today just felt seedy but not enough I want to throw up or feel like I might.

I feel like I’m going crazy and I’m symptom spotting. I need you girls to be brutal and tell me if I am or if it is possible to feel like this at 9dpo! Hubby also said he had a dream I was preggers the other night 😂

I got a BFN this morning also!

Baby dust to you all xx

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