The birth of my first son


So here’s a little back story, I was 36 weeks and I was scheduled to do a growth scan, I went for the growth scan and baby looked perfect. The only thing the doctors were concerned about was that the I had a high amount of amniotic fluid ( way more than normal) so they made me start coming weekly then moved it to twice a week. And they made the decision to induce me at 39 weeks. So on Friday April 19th I was scheduled to come to the hospital at 8pm. I got there at 9pm. They asked a bunch of questions, put monitors on me etc. so the nurse came in, did an ultrasound and everything looked good. They checked me and I was only 1cm having mild contractions. So the doctor informed me that they will start Cytotec at 2am. Now I was confused because they made me come for 8 just to start the process at 2 🤔. Anyways my mother looked up Cytotec and she declined for me to have that. I agreed with her. So I went with cervidil. Once they placed the cervidil inside I started having contractions a few minutes later. Every 2-5 minutes. I had to keep the cervidil in for 12 hours. So I’m just sitting there contracting... they got painful so I asked for pain medication through my iv & once she gave that to me I instantly felt high and numb and I was able to sleep... that’s until... it wore off. So doctors came in at 2:45 pm and removed the cervidil and waited an hour or two to see if that would get me dilated, it dilated me to 3 cm. So at 3:30 they started me on pitocin. Contractions started coming every 2 minutes.. bearable.. at first. With each contraction they got more painful. Around 6 they checked me and I was 6 cm so they went and broke my water. Now the whole reason I was being induced was because of high amniotic fluid. So once they broke my water the hospital bed flooded with fluid, soaked through the sheets, spilled all over the floor and just kept gushing out especially during every contractions. So once they broke my water contractions got even more painful and more frequent every 30 second to 2 minutes. I started to cry. The pain got so unbearable I felt like I was going to pass out, I asked for ice chips because my mouth was dry , I asked for a breathing treatment because I have asthma and the contractions were making me breathe super fast. So at 8:20 they checked me I was 7.. and I asked if I can get the pain meds through my iv again and they told me at 9.. I kept telling the nurses I felt so much pressure and that I feel like I need to poop... they checked me I was 8.... 10 minutes later I was screaming telling them I had to push I was 9... I started contracting ever 20 seconds and I literally started screaming and said I’m pushing. The doctors didn’t believe me when I said I’m fully dilated. They said “ you can practice push if you want to but your not dilated fully” she checked and I was 10 cm. I started pushing 8:45. They told me to open my legs and grab my thighs and push , hold my breath... deep breathe and push. I felt the ring of fire, I felt my vagina stretching and I felt his head about to come out.. I stopped pushing because it was too painful, everyone was saying keep pushing he’s right there. So I pushed so hard so I can get him out and I was screaming to the top of my lungs and at 8:53pm my son was born. I was so relieved, happy, sore. I tore ( second degree ) and had to get stitches. He’s my second child but my first son. Second happiest day of my life. I ad 2 natural vaginal deliveries ( NO epidural). I’m a strong woman. He was 8lbs 9oz 😊 ps. Not having anymore kids , too painful plus I now have my daughter and my son I’m complete ❤️💙