have i miscarried?

muni • 👼🏽👼🏽🌈💙

so i had a sub chorionic bleed seen on 5w ultrasound, a few weeks ago. two nights ago i started spotting which turned bright red and cramping, its 4am and i passed a big clot i picked and washed through it and it didnt look like there was any fetal tissue in it mostly blood. my cramps have stopped but stil light bleeding. yesterday i was in for emergency ultrasound and it looked like the baby was fine with a strong heartbeat of 132. (they didnt see the bleed on my 7w ultrasound) im so torn, ill go to the er in the morning. i just hope my babys still okay and it was just a big clot that i passed. anyone else been through this? and continued on to have a healthy pregnancy?