Negative or faint positive? Please help

I want to get the community take on this, so I have been having light cramping and tugging in my pelvis over a week now and nausea that comes in waves. My breast feel full but don’t hurt unlike my period, just pain in the nipples sometimes which is odd. I normally have head

aches and frequent back aches so I don’t know if it’s related. I am currently 16 days late, which I have never been this late in a long time.

However, it’s possible my period have gone back to being irregular ( 5 years the longest I spent without) but never had that sensation in my breast and pelvis or that nausea.

My first miscarriage, Hpt tested negative, only after a doctor appointment Because my period was unusual (light pink and lasted very long) and thought something was wrong, my second miscarriage was similar in the ER I tested negative but on ultrasound POC was present,

my last miscarriage I tested positive in the ER, after 3 days in the hospital I had to do a D&C. I didn’t even know I pregnant.

I feel like God keeps giving me second chances and I keep letting him down. 😞 So knowing this time is very important to me, I woke up this morning and took a test. But unsure if my mind is reading way too much into this or it’s a evap line but it appeared less than a minute after, it’s positive or it’s negative.

Opinions are

anyone 🥺 my doctor appointment is 7 days away, I feel like I’m waking on eggshells, I really need to know if there is at least a slight possible so I don’t do anything to scare it away.