Femmycycle?? Cup for tilted uterus?


Seems I’m the only woman who has this cup!?

I’ve posted a few times asking questions. Never get any answers.

I am 37 & have 3 kids. I tried the diva cup when I was younger, & could NOT get it to pop open. In 4 cycles I got it to pop open one time.

I went back to tampons.

Found the softcup/ soft disc few years ago. They worked perfectly. I raved about them to all my friends. After my last baby, they leak! I have a tilted uterus & my cervix is usually to the left. Sometimes it is very high & towards the end of my cycle so low that I can’t get a tampon in!

My daughter LOVES her femmycycle & im so jelly!

I fig it was perfect bc it doesn’t have to pop open. Well. You still have to insert properly. I got it once. It was amazing! Then a couple times I thought it was correct, but when I tried to remove, my cervix was suctioned WAY into the cup. I felt after removal & my cervix felt like it was deformed & misshapen! I stopped using it then.


1) can I use a cup w a cervix that tilts to the side??

2) any tips for the femmycycle? I’d like to make t work as it cost so much $$. Hate wasting it.

3) any tips for other cups? I took the online test & it gave me like 4 dif options & I was so overwhelmed I just gave up.

I have children, but seem to have strong pelvic floor muscles. I am very active (workout or jog/walk about daily)

& my cervix can be high & low!