Asking for an increase, please help

First time actually asking for an increase. I don't want to sound too whiney, demanding or anything like that. This is the email I plan on sending to my boss. Please advise if it sounds OK?


Hi (bosses name),

I would like to find out if there is any chance you could possibly consider an increase for me?

When I came on board full time the work wasn’t complicated which is why I was fine with the rate I was getting, however over the months and especially now April with (dude that resigned's name) leaving, my role has changed to a more complicated one and it’s a lot more demanding. I am obviously more than happy doing it, and greatly appreciate the opportunity as well as the faith you have in me to do the job. I am hoping I can be considered for a salary that better reflects the value of the work?

Thank you.


Just as an update, I work remotely and see my boss once every two months maybe. I brought this up with my manager in the beginning of the month already but she did nothing about it.