So thankful but jeez this is hard...


This is my second pregnancy and I was hoping it was going to be easier than my first. I had awful morning sickness that lasted till I was 19 weeks and suffered really bad with back and hip pain.

This time around though, I was diagnosed with HG when I had to go to the hospital to be put on a IV drip and given a high dose of anti sickness medication.

I am now 29 weeks pregnant, still on medication, still suffering with extreme nausea and of course bad back and pelvic pain (that always seem to haunt me) but I am so grateful that I get to carry another miracle inside me. His kicks are the only thing keeping me going. And the fact that my husband has been and always will be my rock!!

Here’s to all the mums to be finding pregnancy hard, because it is one hell of a rollercoaster ride xxx