Gender determination trick .. 😮


I just wanted to share a short story & my ultrasound picture 💙 .

I’m 12 weeks & 5 days with my second pregnancy . My first baby was a boy & now I’m SOOOOOOO ready for a girl !

My aunt did this little trick with her necklace & her ring to determine whether I’m having another boy or a little girl . What she did was she took her ring off & put it on the necklace & redid the latch part so the necklace was put back together . Then she dangled it over my wrist & told me that if it moves in an circle , it means boy (circle = ‘O’ & boy is the only Gender with ‘O’ in it for anybody who wanted me to explain it) & if it swings across , back & forth , it’s a girl . But first , she said that it’s always going to do the gender of your first child , & it did . The necklace swung around & Made & ‘O’ shape then stopped , which she also said it would do . Then the necklace started swinging side by side , which means I’m hopefully having a girl !

She said that she’s never done the necklace trick to somebody & hasn’t worked , so ... we shall see 🤞🏼☺️ .