Opk test fail maybe?! Heeeelp.

Ali 💕

Guys, i had a positive opk strip test on day 20, weird / late but this has happened before in some cycles it’s usually around day 17 that i get a positive. So we had BD like every day that week before and during and after day 20, and now just today I get my period! Day 26! A little earlier than usual. Now <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> has adjusted my ovulation day to day 10! Ugh! Should I just assume the strip was wrong? Or change back the ovulation day to what the strip said? We’re trying to naturally conceive after months of cycle monitoring and it’s been over 2 years and 2 MC so I am just frustrated. Anyone out there who his has happened to by chance? 😩😤😡