
About a month ago, I was 8 days late for my period. I take the birth control pill and have for many years, and I have never been late before. I had a lot of dizziness whilst I was late and was vomiting in the mornings. My breasts were also very swollen. I was very stressed that I may be pregnant due to being late and recently coming out of a relationship (with the person who would’ve been the father).

Around the time of the potential conception there was a mix up with my pill, making it possible. I was very stressed and told myself if I was late by 10 days I’d take a pregnancy test. On the 8th day, I woke up in the morning with sharp pain in my lower stomach area and when I went to the bathroom saw that I had a lot of blood. That period was the most painful and heavy that I’ve ever had.

Now I’ve had my next period after that and I can’t help but think that I may have had a miscarriage.

Do any of you think it’s possible that it may have been a miscarriage? If so, is there anything I should do? Thank you in advance!