Implant removal and no period?


Hi Ladies,

I just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced the same after having their implant removed.

I had my implant removed on the 7th March this year and I’ve still not had a period. The doctor said my fertility will return really quickly but there’s no way to tell when I would ovulate, so because of that I thought I would buy some ovulation sticks. I had 10 straight days of high fertility and never got the peak, I later found out it could be because the hormones from the implant could have still been in my system? I have also taken 2 pregnancy tests which were both negative.

I’m 23 and have an almost 2 year old. I was on the implant before conceiving my daughter but I cannot remember how quickly my cycles fell into place but I do remember how regular they were. Every 28 days like clockwork, I just can’t remember how long it took for me to get there or if they went back to normal straight away. I was 19/20 at the time.

I’ve never wanted to start a period so badly before! 😂

Thanks in advance ladies! X