Doctor Approved Weight Loss


So my journey really began in May of 2014 when I found out I was pregnant with my first.

Leon was born 2/3/2015. He was perfect, so perfect he wasn’t meant to stay here on Earth. Only 3 months after I gave birth to him, I had to give him back. He died at daycare via suffocation of being laid on his belly and him not being able to roll over on 5/14/15.

This first photo is me receiving a bear from Molly Bears after his passing as a comfort object.

I started Leon’s pregnancy at 155, gave birth at 200, and ate myself to 242lbs of comfort food by September 2015.

I lost 30 lbs through a fitness program and fell pregnant again October 2015.

On July 2016, I gave birth to Oliver. I never focused on my weight loss just breastfeeding and loving him.

In June of 2017, I feel pregnant again by surprise. Again, pushing off my weight loss.

In Jan of 2018, my beautiful daughter Karoline was born. Excited to start my weight loss, I wanted to make sure it would be permanent. My husband and I decided we wanted 1 more before we were done. So I decided to start eating right and correcting my portion sizes.

In March 2019, we found out or last bundle would be due Nov 2019. My midwife told me as long as I eat, not over eat, and work out 20-30 minutes a day it was more than acceptable for me to lose weight and have a healthy pregnancy.

Between meal prepping and waking up at 5am to exercise I am doing it.

Since November 2018, I have lost 26lbs, 13 of those pounds we’re just in the last month.

I have a long way to go, but it feels good to finally do this for Leon.

Bereaved mom. Full time working mom. Veteran mom. Totally in love with her kids and they will always come first mom.
