He finally made his debut


My boy finally made his debut. 41 weeks! Went in at about 3:30am

and was 3cm, hour later was 5cm and from there 2 hours later i was 8cm. However that’s when things went sound. I tried the nitrous gas which helped for awhile, however then went to IV pain meds, which lasted a solid 15 mins and then stopped working. Caved and got an epidural, however that only last 30 mins and then shit hit the fan! I was stuck at 8cm for about 7 hours. They decided this just wasn’t working and a csection would be better. I was so relieved to not be in pain anymore. I couldn’t asked for a better team at the hospital.

Meet Waylon Edward McCorrison. 8.36lbs 20inches long. Born 4/24 at 4:24