Trouble With Relationship


My bf and I have been together for 4 years. And everyone who knows me and us tells me I need to leave him that it seems like our relationship is just friends. What would you do?? Okay like I said we’ve been together 4 years.. I’m his first gf his first everything.. anyways I only see him once a week Friday nights.. he works M-F 230am-1130am and after work he says he’s busy.( He’s not though cause we talk all day long and I know what he’s doing) He has told me unless I can drive to meet him he won’t come pick me up cause he can’t be bothered or it’s way out of his way. Btw we live 30-35 minutes away from each other. We don’t do anything unless he wants to. I want to go out of town for my bf and he told me no cause he doesn’t want to and we can find something to do closer to home. We don’t have sex often once maybe twice every couple months. He says it’s cause he’s too tired but even when he’s off he won’t do it and he blames me for that. He told me he has to think about other naked ppl to get in the mood to even sleep with me. And when we do have sex it’s me doing all the work and him just laying there..he said he isn’t comfortable even touching me below the shoulders.. he won’t even kiss me..and before anyone asks yes I’ve talked to him and he told me I’m imagining things that our relationship is great..we are 26 and 27.