Healthy Mommas, is it possible...

Is it possible for me to lose weight and get fit even though this is my second pregnancy and I wasn't fit before this pregnancy? 
Recently I've decided to start being more active. Right now I'm just walking three times a week, I'm going to throw in arm exercises. I'm 26 weeks pregnant and haven't made the right choices. Before this pregnancy I was 167 and I'm 5'7 (Now I'm 180 and I'm hoping not to pass 192) with weight mostly being in my arms and legs.  I know eating right is the most important thing to do, and I plan on doing it today and everyday after today. I'm going to ebf and I heard you can't exercise too hard(adrenaline ruins your supply?) so I found some exercises to do. My biggest fear right now is that I waited too long and my results won't be good results. I'm a pessimist when it comes to my weight lol. I need inspiration or kind words!! And any tips.