Waiting for sex???

Hey gals!

I rlly hope you all can help me out

I’ve been talking to this guy recently and I think he’s slowly slowly drifting away. I don’t care too much because he was the first stranger I hooked up with, I’ve never hooked up with someone who wasn’t my bf (by hooked up I only mean stuff other than sex)

I’ve been in a mood for a long time where I really want to ‘lose it’ but part of me has always stopped me, saying “no no wait for the right guy just wait for the right person” and the other part simply says “yes find a person, but just do it. Just let loose get it over with. Have fun”

I just want your opinions on the circumstances of which to lose your virginity. Do you think it’s better to wait and wait for someone to be my bf and do it with him? Or do I just stop overthinking and have fun with it?

Thanks! Xx