Nurseries... Picking "boy" bedding for a girl

☔Janice Beth🌈 • Rainbow Baby - Amelia Junerose born 2-5-16

I'm really annoyed... Probably prematurely... I'm making my registry and I love all of the whale nautical designs. My hubby is a big fisherman and I thought it would be cute. I picked the bedding before I found out we were having a girl and I'm so in love with it. It's not totally boyish and could easily be for a girl too. The problem is all the accessories are very boyish!

I'm not a big girl, I'm not a tomboy either but just not girly in any way. So it shouldn't be a surprise to family and friends with what I pick. I'm just worried they'll be rude and I'll be ruder back. Lol especially his side who are all extremely girly (my mother in law wears make up and high heels every day). So, should I just prepare myself?