Pap smear.?

I went to get a steroid shot for a rash I had. The lady asked me when my last pap smear was, it was last March when I found out I was pregnant with our son. So its been a year. I never really kept up with it. In the 4 years I've been with my boyfriend that's the only one I've had. He's not really up to date with the female reproductive system. He knows the basics they taught in sex ed but he's never been with a woman as open as I am with him about my lady stuff. I'm worried if I mention wanting to get things checked out since I never have before he'll think I'm hiding something.. not that he will actually take it that way. I just have anxiety and I'm worried about bringing it up.

Any advice to ease my anxiety about bringing it up.? I mean, I'm my own person so I'm gonna do it. I just don't want him to think I'm getting checked because I've cheated or think he did or whatever..

*there's no need to be rude and make unnecessary comments, I'm just wondering how to bring it up.