Just found out I’m ten weeks pregnant and feel so guilty😭😭

So I have very irregular periods so it wasn’t abnormal for me to skip a month.... I had bloods done for something unrelated and discovered I’m pregnant, went for a scan and my little one is around ten weeks....

I’m 21 and don’t drink at all,

I smoke no more than two cigarettes a day.... but I do smoke weed, I only do this to help with my anxiety and eating habits, sleeping patterns and general mental health..... I found out 4 days ago and haven’t touched anything since, the cigarettes don’t bother me but it’s been hard learning how to live my life without the weed.... but I feel so guilty and I am terrified that because I have been smoking for the past 10 weeks my baby could be hurt, I’ll never forgive myself if that’s the case...😭😭