I may have found “the combo” for me...


I’ve had pcos since I was a teen and have ttc many times over the years and was put on all sorts of medications for it until recently none of them have worked, that was till three months ago! My sleep specialist put me on micronized progesterone for my men’s teal migraines that I was getting and one of the “happy” side effects it has is that it can cause hyper ovulation in some women, or in women who have pcos like me, it can help me to ovulate properly... in the last three months I have had a consistent period without any kind of bc, and I think I’m actually ovulating this month so hubby and I started the baby making last night to see if I am...

If any of you are having trouble with all other fertility drugs maybe try to talk to your doctor about this, it isn’t very well known as far as my sleep doctor knows but it’s starting to become so!!