Funny Story & The Reason I Almost Punched Someone Yesterday


Funny Story:

I’m currently sick with a cold or something. Usually, when I wake up my little girl is kicking and moving but this morning she wasn’t. I started to feel bad thinking that maybe she’s not feeling too well either🥺

I asked my fiancé to talk to her because she loves the sound of his voice. Eventually, he asked her to kick me and I swear, she instantly kicked me so hard that he saw it and jumped back😂😂 Guess we know which parent will be listened to!

Why I Almost Punched Someone:

(Let’s keep the comments respectful, okay?)

Last night, my fiancé and his friend were talking about getting a labor contraction simulator. Then, our roommate asked if he gets an epidural if he tries it. Which led to him making this comment:

“Any woman who gets an epidural can not say she’s experienced natural childbirth.”

Instantly, my fiancé and his friend walked out of the room saying, “NOPE. Not sticking around for this one.”😂

Um.... WHAT. Excuse me? While I applaud women brave enough to do natural childbirth without medication, I’m pretty sure the same thing happens either way. In my opinion, c-section, meds, no meds, anyone willing to carry a baby for 9 months and then somehow get it out of their body instantly makes you a badass.

Next time I hear a comment like that from him... he’s getting the response “no uterus, no opinion.”