Do what?!...

Courtney • Twenty something first time mom 💙

I need advice about manipulative family members, specifically sister/sister in law.

Any takers?


To make a long story short, 2 months after giving birth I had my gallbladder removed because I had frequent attacks. My Doctors asked for 3 weeks that I not hold my son and pick him (which killed me) so I wouldn’t get a hernia. My grandparents and my mom helped with the baby because my husband works full time and I couldn’t really do much. My sister in law who is a nursing student took it upon herself to let my husband know that she thinks it’s inappropriate for my grandmother to have helped out and kept the baby a couple nights and that she thought I was milking my surgery(just following directions) because she had the same surgery and still took care of her kids. So my husband and I discussed removing her and her husband from social media so there would be nothing that they could form an opinion about and exert that opinion. She took it as me keeping the baby from her (which I would never do) because she’s done this previously and assumed. So she called my husband screaming at him (and keep in mind they had argued the past 2 days before because he was sticking up for me and when I stuck up for myself she refused to answer me and went to him) and told him he was no longer her brother and that I’m a cunt and she will not even acknowledge my presence. So obviously my husband let her have it. He called me crying because they’re very close and she just ended there relationship while simultaneously using his bipolar against him because she knows he’s newly medicated. She ended their conversation by telling him that he needed her more than she needed him.