Need advice! Taking cytotec for a miscarriage and still have leftover tissue.

Ok quick rundown of my situation: I found out at 7 weeks 5 days that I had a blighted ovum (sac with no baby present). Had a follow up sono to confirm a week later. I took cytotec on Saturday afternoon to force my body to flush everything out (and just FYI this was the most painful/worse experience of my life). I had heavy bleeding that evening and some on Sunday. Since then I've only had very minimal spotting. I had my follow up sono today and I'm not quite sure what to think. The sono technician said she couldn't see any more visible signs of pregnancy - which is good bc it means the sac has passed. However, she said there was still some tissue left in my uterus - she didn't explain how much or anything. I didn't have a scheduled appt with the dr after the sono, which I didn't realize, so I was unable to get any questions answered. All the tech said was that I will most likely bleed some more. Problem is, I'm barely having any spotting at this point. I did have blood work taken, so I should get those results back soon. I'm just nervous that having left over tissue can lead to infection if it's not passed soon. Has anyone had a similar experience and ended up being ok? I'm just concerned for my health and future pregnancies. Any advice or input is greatly appreciated.