My birth story nearly 4 months later!


Hey guys I’m finally writing my birth story!

I had my son at 18 (now 19) I was due on the 14th of January 2019!

I had very bad preeclampsia so was on observation. A week before my due date I was check and at 1cm! For that week I was having irregular contractions and BHs, I rode it out and kept active as possible.. it came close to my due date and everything stopped, I thought I’d go really over due🥵

I went to my midwife appointment and explained everything so she said when I go to the hospital later she’ll get me to have a sweep, I started to get contractions again.. so we had a walk to the carpet shop, when I got home at about 1pm the contractions really started to pick up!!! Every 5 minutes for 30-60 seconds!

I finally made my way to the hospital for observation and the contractions was getting stronger, I really could feel baby getting low😅 I was observed and the midwife took me for a sweep and I was 2cm!! Only a little more but progress!! She said baby was very low and sat right on my waters.

Literally 5 minutes after my sweep I felt very strong period pains nothing too intense, they kept me in as my blood pressure was sky high still😭 My plug was coming away and the pain was about the same, about an hour later the contractions really picked up and was stopping me when I was walking and had to breathe through! A good few hours of these contractions, the next morning it was intense.. well I thought it was🥵

The pain relief I had at this point was paracetamol💪🏽🙌🏽 But they wouldn’t check me😡

It got to about 6pm and the pain was getting unbearable specially with no pain relief and nobody was listening to me!! Contractions was around every 2 minutes for about 1-2 minutes.. I know my body!! I was worried as the girl on my ward was in labour for 48 hours and only at 3cm..

They said they couldn’t check me “They’d give me an infection” which was total lies I was crying on the phone to my mum as they wasn’t listening! They finally checked me at around 7.30pm.. and she looked at me and said “Oh we best get you to labour and delivery.. you’re about 8cm!!”

Yes love you better😂 I had to wait half an hour for a bed and I finally got to L&D at 8pm.. I was checked again and I was 9cm!! He was coming fast!! I finally got gas and air, it was heaven!!😂😍

Breathing through contractions till 8.10pm and they finally broke my waters which felt so weird, they still had me breathing him down till about 8.45pm, my cervix was sat at around babies head like a rim.

The midwives changed over and I agree that two students could come in (one helped deliver and one watched) I couldn’t fight it anymore and I felt it was time to push as I was now 10cm, they agreed it was time to push! I pushed about 4 times and he was here!!!

9.03pm baby Michael was born!!

Weighing 8lb 3 ounces!

I tore 2nd degree inside my vagina and labia but didn’t hurt when I was been stitched up.

It was an amazing experience and I’d do it a million times over🥰

Baby, me and daddy at 7am the next morning!

Baby Michael at 1 day old💙

Michael now😍💙