Doctors dropped the ball and I am crushed

Melanie • Time for my biggest adventure 👶🏻💞

My baby has been measuring big since 30 weeks. Genetically I knew I was destined to have a larger baby (my brother and I were both over 9 lbs) but at my 38 week scan, baby was measuring 8lbs 13 oz.

I am at a practice where there are 4 doctors and 2 PAs. They rotate you through so you meet everyone. My 38 week appointment was with a doctor (not MY doctor but an MD) and I expressed concern about the size of baby. The doctor said something along the lines of “big babies can’t be helped, don’t stop eating!” I was dilated 1 cm and 50% effaced so I didn’t worry about it too much.

Last week at my 39 week appointment the MD I was supposed to see was called away or overbooked and I ended up seeing a PA. I expressed genuine concern about the size of the baby and asked that she sweep my membranes, she said no, they don’t do that. She did not offer any other alternatives, confirmed I was around 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced and sent me home.

Yesterday (my due date) I saw MY doctor. After my scan and NST monitoring, my doctor informed me she had run a shoulder dystocia risk assessment because of the size of the baby. The dystocia assessment put me in the extremely high risk category and my doctor said she wants to deliver the baby via c-section, she does not want me to labor, she fears the baby is too high at risk.

NOT ONCE have the other doctors or the PA mentioned the risk of shoulder dystocia. Even when I expressed my personal concerns about the size of baby, they never offered to take her early (or even just on my due date!) and never did anyone mention c-section before yesterday.

My husband and I scheduled the c-section for Tuesday (1st available slot with MY doctor) but I am heart broken. I feel like the juggling of doctors and poor management of the office forced me into a c-section. I don’t know what my rights are or how to express myself to the office about my disappointment. My doctor has been wonderful each time I get to see her but the office forced me to rotate, and now I don’t get to try labor.

I am scared of the surgery and so upset about all this I cannot stop crying.