43 and Expecting!!

Paula 💛

OMG, can’t believe my intuition was right! Was feeling like I may have been pregnant more than a week before my period was suppose to start, I waited until I was 5 days late to take a test. At 43 and TTC since July 2018 I wasn’t holding my breath, took the test in the middle of the night but didn’t want to wait the 3 minutes to read the result, I also didn’t want my husband to see it before me. So I put it back in the foil package and stuck it on a drawer.... and left it there for a full 24 hours. Not sure I was expecting to see that second line, even if it wasn’t as dark as the other it was clearly there, when I thought to look at it and throw it away at 3am Easter morning, but there it was! Wasn’t sure what to do next: take another test just in case? go back to bed without saying a word to my husband? come up with some clever way to tell my husband? (like a note on an Easter egg). Finally decided on setting it on his nightstand, tapping his arm and telling him it was official, he was “officially gonna be a dad.” The groggy, “What?! Are you serious?!”, was so worth it!!! He got to experience it with me, groggy, half asleep, slightly in disbelief yet so excited that we didn’t know if we should jump up and down or cry!! I had to get up and go take another one before I could fall back asleep, just to make sure the first one was right! It’s taken me another 6 days to post about it because it feels like a dream still, a dream we started daydreaming of 27 years ago