Paragard IUD cycle changes


Just wanted to ask if anyone else has the Paragard IUD and experienced what I'm dealing with.

I've had my Paragard for six weeks now. Got it put in on the last day of my period and have had one period since which was about 6-7 days early, not any more painful, but A LOT heavier than my usual flow and lasted about 2 days longer. Betwen periods I was spotting almost every day in varying degrees but my doctor assured me this was normal and checked that everything is in place and fine. Now that I am due for my second period it is not coming! I spotted heavily for about 2 days and thought it might be starting but then it stopped and now today I am spotting again but less than before.

Im not overly concerned since I can feel the strings fine but the cramping I'm feeling is way worse than anything I've felt aside from the first day after insertion.

Has anyone else had similar symptoms 4-6 weeks after insertion? I know that Paragard can take up to a year to even out and settle in which can increase flow/cramps but it seems like now my period is LIGHTER.

More than anything, I'm annoyed since my periods prior to this have been like clockwork. First period when I was 12, was on the pill for about 2 years in my teens but no bc for almost 4 years before this.

Any responses would be greatly appreciated! :)