Signs baby is done with formula? And sippy cups?

Keisha • 23 🌮🍷 Momma to a baby boy 💙 Girl due Nov 2019🎀Wifey to Mr. J 🥰💑👪

So I made a poll a while back asking when you guys made the switch to homo milk (3.5%) or just cows milk in general. And a lot said 1 year and over but a few commented saying their baby just refused to drink formula. I’m wondering if my son is at that point, he’s not drinking his bottles anymore, yesterday he had 2.5-3 bottles, max 18 oz. and so far today he has just now drank his first bottle (11:30am). He usually wakes up starving wanting to drink right away. He’s way more interested in table foods, he refused his bottles yesterday so I gave him some table food to get him to eat. He was eating just fine lol so I know he was hungry just didn’t want his bottle. We do have an appointment Wednesday for his 9 month check up, and I’m going to ask to make the switch or maybe do every other bottle cows milk. He’s been waking in the night 1-2 times, sometimes to eat. I’m just curious now if maybe he’s not fully satisfied and wakes up. He’s doing great otherwise, crawling, pulling himself up, babbling away he has teeth so food is no issue.

Did your babies have certain signs that told you they were fed up with formula?

Also when should we switch to sippy cups only. I’m thinking a year but what did you guys do?