Help! Super confused.

So I need some input because at this point, I’m REALLY confused. Ok so my period was supposed to start around 4/6ish, but it didn’t. So around 4/8 I was on a work trip and felt AWFUL that morning. Really nauseated, weak, and fatigued. So then some light bleeding started. And for the first day it was very light in flow and color so I wasn’t sure. And then Tuesday there was barely anything and by Wednesday it had stopped completely. So I thought that was weird. Then, on 4/22 the same thing happened. And by Wednesday there was nothing. So I was like well dang what is going on. I did some research and I’m thinking mayyybe I’m pregnant and maybe this is implantation bleeding. So Thursday morning I take a test, it’s positive. But then between Wednesday and today I have been having the most horrific cramps. Like no real appetite just very thirsty, tired, and dehydrated feeling. I’m in a committed relationship and my bf and I use condoms but neither of us have been wanting me to get back on birth control because it caused me to have a blood clot in my lung that nearly killed me a few years ago. So he’s very against it. But I just used the restroom and wiped and it was bright red. And lots of clots. And I’m like wow. I just need some input. I’m going to the doctor next week to be sure. But does this sound like a miscarriage? Please help. I haven’t told my BF because I just got home from a work trip this morning and he’s at work and I didn’t want to alarm him, especially since I was out of town. But I’m planning to tell him when he gets off.