Went to L&D on Wednesday night because of contractions they weren’t bad so I was sent home and ...

Dajuanna • Mommy of a 5 year old girl 👧🏾and a 4 year old boy 👶🏽 and lost my 3 month old due to SIDS
Went to L&D on Wednesday night because of contractions they weren’t bad so I was sent home and told that I may be in early labor. Thursday morning I woke up to more contractions and they were getting pretty intense but I didn’t want to go into the hospital again until my water broke. So I went about my day and the contractions kept getting worse by 8p-9p they were extremely painful so I had my boyfriend (baby daddy) take me back to L&D where I found out the I was 7 cm and even though my water hadn’t broken my Mucus plug was coming out and my water was going to break at anytime. I was supposed to have a c-section on 4/29 but the baby was coming now so I had an emergency c-section and while they were prepping me for that my water broke on a contraction so they rushed me to OR and was put under general anesthesia, when I woke up I had a handsome little boy he’s just so cute I love him so much just as much as I love my daughter Janessa 🥺
My handsome son
My beautiful daughter