Symptom help!


Glow has predicted that I'm going to ovulate on the 30th of this month however i have had alot of symptoms over the last few days that are abnormal to me including:

- Cramping/twinges in the left and right side of my stomach/pelvic area (normally I get severe cramps before AF but these do not feel the same as period cramps)

- Randomly nauseated only gagging though sometimes at smells other times just gagging at a wave of feeling sick

- Feeling absolutely EXHAUSTED! no energy

and sleeping alot more than usual

- Alot of bloating! I can't fit into my usual Jean's

- Thirsty all the time, loss of appetite and then huge appetite

-I just feel off/different

Even though glow has predicted my ovulation later this week, my periods are super irregular, and I don't want to get my Hope's up anymore... I refuse to take a test u less I miss AF because it is just too much for me to handle anymore. Has anyone ever experience this? Baby dust to everyone!!!