The false pregnancy tests

kennnn❤️ • Had a molar pregnancy , will soon try to conceive again🤞🏼

I NOTICE EVERYTIME I CONGRATULATE SOME ONE THE POST IS ANONYMOUS OR DELETED LATER ! I UNDERSTAND EVERYBODY WANTS THAT BFP BUT FAKING IT DOESNT IT MAKE IT BETTER IT TAKES TIME OR U SOME OF US NEED HELP CONCEIVING AND THATS OKAY ! NO ONE IS HERE TO JUDGE ANYBODY AND BC U GOT A NEGATIVE TEST DOESNT MEAN U WORTH ANY LESS THAN THE REST OF US! Sometimes god is showing u a sign sometimes it’s bc ur with the wrong person , not in the best place in life or something else 🤷🏽‍♀️ but stop making getting pregnant a job it’s gonna stress u out u have to pray and play your part . If your partner is upset wit u bc u not conceiving right then in there HES NOT THE ONE!!! Before I conceived me and my partner had been trying haven’t told anyone but then everyone around us started conceiving which made us want it more so I tried takin tests behind his back until he caught me n it was negative I walked straight to the garbage crying thinking I’d never conceive an not feeling worthy until he told me “bae it takes time it’s gonna happen b patient” he didn’t stop me from testing wen I wanted to but he didn’t stress it and a few days after him telling me that I got my bfp I prayed before an still praying 🤞🏽