Sex Education!


What did the school education system fail to teach you in Sex Ed?

What do you wish someone had explained to you?

I’m currently doing some in depth research into why Sex Ed in schools could be much more than what is currently is.

Feel free to share your thoughts and stories.

Today I saw a video on fb of a woman using a puppet of a vagina (the whole thing, clitoris, labia etc) and she was explaining how to orgasm and why some women struggle.

The sex education system in schools need to teach more about sex and all the ins and outs, the emotional, physical, psychological sides, the health factors, risks, what feels good for both parties involved. What different types of relationships look like. Dating, FWB, one night stands etc.

This backwards boring teachings of “if you have sex you’ll get pregnant or an STI” needs to change as that is only 5-10% of what sex education is and should be about.

Let’s face it 80% -98%of teenagers are experiencing and experimenting all sorts in the realm of sex, whether it be alone or with someone. I see countless posts in groups on Facebook where girls are asking how to have sex where it isn’t painful or why they can’t orgasm or if the first time hurts or how to do something. They just simply do not have the knowledge - and that is sad! These young women don’t even understand their bodies. And I am certain that young men experience the same things where they are unsure about certain aspects of how their own body works etc.

The section in the public library that has books about sex, positions, health etc IS SO FREAKING SMALL! There is maybe two books that has pictures to help describe what they are explaining.

Were are nearly in 2020 and people still don’t understand the CLITORIS! An organ that has been discovered in history more than once!

Sex education should not be a taboo topic!