Never lose hope.


My husband and I had our first daughter in 2016. We decided we wanted more and started trying 3 months after she was born. We spent 3 years and tons of treatment & money only to lose hope after being told due to medical reasons our chances were slim, to none. After Christmas 2018, I promised myself I would no longer consume myself with the urge to get pregnant and stop driving myself sad/mad with the two week wait. instead I focused my positive energy into my family and let it be in gods hands. Last Monday 4/22 I had a feeling I was pregnant. I took two hpts which came up positive but after trying which felt like forever I couldn’t believe this could be possible. I received a blood test the following day & long behold we are in fact expecting & due Jan 5, 2020! So never give up hope ladies! What is meant to be, will be.