Does this happen to you?

I am wearing my daughter in a wrap, doing housework, and she falls asleep. My SO says, “I need you to come help me move the patio furniture.” I ask if it needs to be done right then or can she sleep for 30 mins before I try to move her. He says it can wait and he has to sweep the deck first anyway. Great.

15 mins later... “Are you going to come help me move this furniture?” He continues to explain he needs to do this today. Even though he originally planned to do other things around the house...

So I take her out of the wrap and help him. She of course wakes up. She’s hungry.

I sit down and start breastfeeding. He opens the black door and says, “can you put some towels down? I am power washing.” I tell him I just started feeding her. He responds, “Well, you are going to have to put her down. I can’t come in, put down towels, and come back out.”

So, I unlatch her, put her down, put down the towels, and resume feeding.

Like come on. Why are his chores so urgent that our daughter’s routine has to be interrupted? It annoys me to no end. 🤦‍♀️