Husband is going to drive me crazy with this! Advice?

A few years ago my brother quickly built a table with some scrap wood just to use for something for a short while before he bought a nice one. Though it's not terrible, he in no way put a huge amount of work into it, it's not completely level and the supporting legs are somewhat uneven. He didn't sand or paint it. Well, when my husband and I got married we had nearly nothing. Both of us had lived in a college dorm prior. So my brother gave us a few pieces of his old furniture, as he is quite a bit older than I and was much more established in life and had bought new and was getting rid of it. He offered previously mentioned table and then questioned if we were sure we wanted it bc it is just junk and he planned to pitch it. But having no tables of our own and little money, we accepted. I THOUGHT it would be used just until we could afford something nicer, but my husband REFUSES to get rid of it! It's currently in our bedroom, taking up space and is basically just used for us to set random junk on. We are having a baby in 2 months and I want to get rid of it to have more room for baby's bed. Gah!