Hormone results:


Blood work collected right at peak ovulation. Repeating blood work at cycle day 3 (in about 5-7 days from now). Results @ peak ovulation:

FSH: 5.1

LH: 13.3

TSH: 1.35

PROLACTIN: 27.5 (elevated)

CBC w/differential w/platelet: all tests within normal reference range.

My OB/GYN said that my prolactin is elevated, but didn't really say anything else, only that they want to take blood tests again on cycle day 3. I still don't know if these are good or not. I only had blood work done because my fiancé and I decided we want babies. He is younger, with no children. I have a 12 year old, but want 1-2 more. I am 41, 42 in September. I just wanted to get blood work before we start trying, to make "everything is all good"! I am trying to prepare myself, physically, and do everything I can to make sure I am healthy and make sure hormone levels are good before we start trying. It turns out I may have cysts on my ovaries too. Sono is scheduled in May.