Exhausted and annoyed (long)

My boyfriends old neighbor passed away last week and the viewing/funeral were yesterday and today. He got off work yesterday at 4 took a shower and left. Got home at 8 stared at his phone for awhile and went to sleep. Didn't really talk to me or spend time with the baby before bed. I couldn't sleep last night so I was awake till 2:30. Baby girl wakes up at 3:30 (she usually sleeps thru the night) and thinks it up and play time. My boyfriend wakes up around 6 sees that I'm awake and taking care of the baby, goes to the bathroom and goes back to bed. I finally get back to sleep around 6:30. Boyfriend takes the day off to go to the funeral and wakes both me and the baby up as he's leaving at 9:30. Well the baby these last few days only takes 20 min naps several times a day (boyfriend is well aware of this trend) so obviously I didn't get a nap all day. I text him around 2 to find out when he will be home cause I'm exhausted and he says soon. Around 5ish he gets home. He talks to me about my call from the doctor (I have a cyst on my hip) plays with the baby for 5 minutes and then he rolls his ass over and goes to sleep. HE had at least 8 hours sleep last night, HE ate today, HE got a shower. I've yet to do any of these things except eat a muffin. He thinks he's entitled cause he works and says I wanted the baby so it's my job to care for her 24/7 and clean the house. I never have time to myself, I hardly ever get out of the house and all I wanted was a damn hour to take a power nap, let some water hit my body for a sec and shove some food down my throat. Rant over 😟😟