Has anyone had this problem????


ttc for 16 months now. One chemical pregnancy 2 months ago. Now...Spotting for 5 days before my actual period began. Had a heavy period for about 2 days then lightened up, which is normal for me. Took Clomid 50mg days 3-7. Continued to have light-medium period for 4 more days. Then brown/dark red spotting. Called my Dr after 15 days of this....asked if I was pregnant. I said no. Receptionist sending message through to nurse. I went home that afternoon, decided to take a pregnancy test just because....positive. I’ve had 3 days of positive tests now. Morning and evening. Qualitative blood test came back with a faint line. Reported to the nurse for my Dr. and had quantitative blood draw. It showed only 10. So it’s low. Took a pregnancy test yesterday evening and this evening. Still positive. Still having bleeding. Only when I wipe. Not enough to even need a panty liner during the day. I have my redraw for my quant Monday. But I’m so confused?! Anyone with similar situations? Am I miscarrying? Why am I bleeding so much? Is it the round of Clomid causing it? Here are my preg tests