Help please? Desperate 😩

Hey ladies! So I gave birth to my beautiful son 3 months ago , and I’m feeling SO insecure about my weight. I gained 90 fricken pounds during my pregnancy!! Now I have gross hanging skin & stretch marks like you wouldn’t believe. My confidence is so low that if my BF and I want to get intimate I make sure it’s at night with the lights off. I absolutely HATE how I look & don’t even want to go out in public. I cry everyday. I was 130 before pregnancy, and am now STILL 200. 😩😭😭

I go for at least a 30-1 hr walk every 3 days, and eat (somewhat) healthy.

I struggle greatly with with depression/anxiety & used to have severe anorexia & bulimia. My mind is telling me that the only way to lose weight is to go down that road again, & I want to stay away from going down that road again. I want to be healthy for my baby.

Do any of you lovely ladies know good ways to lose weight? And how to get my confidence up? Any advice would be great!! Thanks in advance everyone ❤️