Birth story


Hi everyone

Baby is over a week now. I had him when i was 38 weeks. I was induced for 2 days and baby heart rate dropped so i had emergency c section.

I was diabetic, anemic suffered from high blood pressure. My first was normal successful induction (water broke). I suffered from 3rd degree tear. My second i went for elective c section as baby was measuring big. She was 8.6 pounds.

The recovery was hard and i thought i really didnt need the c section she wasnt as big as they predicted.

This time round i was told c section is better because i had big baby again. Plus all the problems i was having. All doctors, midwifes etc i spoke to all recommened c section. However i said no. So i was offered induction. Now i am so sad and regretting my decision i had 2 days of labour pains i was dialated to 5cm and was rushed to have emergency c section. The surgon after c section told me this was the best desicion because the cord was wrapped around baby neck 2 times and was face head up which would be dangerous viginal birth. No wonder hos heart rate was low.

This is my second c section the recovery is better this time not as bad as i thought.

Trust your doctor.