20 wks 2 days bed rest until delivery

I'm new to this group. This is baby #3 but I have never been on bed rest, just wanted to tell my story and get some advice. I was put on bed rest at 18 weeks 6 days so almost 2 full weeks now. My cervix is bleeding but hasn't dilated. Some days I'm optimistic and hopeful while other days I feel so down and cry my eyes out. I've bleed 4 times in the last 1 1/2 weeks, TMI it's as much as a period. I've also passed some clots. I've had 3 ultrasounds done and all have come back with great results. Baby is right on track with growth and the placenta is fine, no ruptures or hemorrhage. My cervix just keeps bleeding for unknown reasons, OB thinks it could lead up to an incompetent cervix but since there's no dilation there's not much we can do at this point. Anyone else in a similar boat or experienced this? I'm so tired of lying in bed, any ideas as to what will pass the time? I picked up knitting so I've been knitting a blanket and of course Netflix. Anything else? 😀