
We are struggling over here! She’s 17 weeks so we hit the regression hard. Before a couple of weeks ago she was sleeping 6:30 pm- 6 am consistently with like one time of being a little restless and needing the pacifier.

She was breaking out of the swaddle so we decided to start transitioning her out because she could also roll to her side when her arms were free.

Her reflex is still so strong that even with just having one arm out she flails around like every 2 hours when she hits that light part of her sleep. Sometimes it is resolved with the pacifier, sometimes she completely wakes up and it’s a disaster. It’s literally like 12:30, 2:30, 4:30 every morning. She rarely has to eat, but it’s still such a struggle.

We read about the Merlin’s magic suit and tried that last night. So disappointing, she can still move her arms so much, her legs are going up in the air, and she can almost roll to her side. We are out of ideas.

Does anyone have/had this problem? Any tips or ideas? There isn’t enough coffee in the day for this. 😭