Week from absolute hell.


I just needed to get some things off my chest. This week could not have gone any worse, started it off Monday with my fiancé and myself getting stuck in two different towns with the stomach flu, I couldn’t get home because I was so sick so I had to stay in my dorm alone until I was well enough to drive a day later.

Our house fell into a state of total chaos of dishes and laundry I can’t keep up with because of it and we have family come over all the time so it’s so embarrassing to have people drop by and the place is a wreck.

To make everything 100x worse, I got into a moderate car accident Friday and totaled my car I’ve only had for a month (it wasn’t new by any means but still). I have absolutely NO money to cover hospital, insurance, or even think about a new car so I have no idea how I’m supposed to go to work next week. I’m in so much pain I can barely move and to top it off finals week starts tomorrow.

I’m not looking for anyone’s pity or anything, I’m just ranting out loud, thanks to anyone who actually read it all.