Masturbation and God


Is it wrong to masturbate while your married but far apart from one another . I’ve searched the bible for answers . However, when I talk to other Christian women I get mixed answers. If your spouse isn’t around and are apart for awhile, or he has sexual dysfunctions that he’s currently working on, what does one do?

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I believe what the Bible is saying is that it is a sin to step outside your marriage just to satisfy your flesh. When it says you shall only seek pleasure from your spouse, I do NOT think it meant you can’t take care of yourself when your spouse isn’t around. You know how some people try to justify cheating by saying ‘he/she wasn’t satisfying me sexually’? I think that is what is what that passage is referring to. Because if I recall correctly, after Moses’ time people were getting divorced for the most ridiculous of reasons, and the Bible states that adultry is the ONE thing that could truly divorce someone.Essentially, I don’t believe the Bible says at all that masturbation is a sin. Rather it says that seeking pleasure from a whole other person when you are married is. Better to satisfy yourself to rid yourself of the urges/temptation than to fantasize and actually do something.At the end of the day tho, God loves and forgives through Jesus. If it causes you more distress pray to Him about it and He will always be there to guide you!


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Self-gratification is a sin. Sex between you and spouse brings God glory, as it bonds you and was created by God for your enjoyment. Gratifying yourself is only to please your flesh and does not bring God glory. We’re to deny our flesh and live by the Spirit, in purity. I’m not judging at all- we all have our own struggles... but it is a sin in God’s eyes.


ade • May 1, 2019
God bless you sis, it's a sin no any other way to say it


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Masterbation isn't wrong, period. It's scientifically proven masterbation can be more than sexual, but a mental release too


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masturbation is not a sin, god loves you anyway and orgasms are awesome!


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“The Bible specifically forbids adultery, fornication, incest, bestiality and lust but does not mention masturbation or self-stimulation. Masturbation as part of sexual relations between married partners would not be classified as sin. But masturbation outside of marital relations commonly is sinful, being often accompanied by wrong lustful thoughts, such as when viewing pornography.”


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It is a sin. Also if you masturbate then when your husband comes back all the desire for him will have gone away and it will make things worse for your marriage. You're not fooling anyone but yourself if you masturbate. You are full filling your fleshly desires if you do that. And if you have done that, ask God for forgiveness and do your best not to do it again. Bible says Ephesians 6:12 King James Version (KJV)12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.Please pray hard and ask God to remove whatever fleshly desires you may be having. I hope my post finds you well. For more prayers and deliverance please check out our ministry at Reconciliation Deliverance Ministries @Facebook. God is good!


Yahaira • May 18, 2019
Not literally but masturbation is a fleshly desire. It has to do with powers of darkness and all the temptations and worldly things that we fight against everyday. Please read your bible. Masturbation is not of God. Masturbation is of the devil. The more you fulfill that desire, there will be no room for you to feel fulfilled when you finally want to make love to your husband. That's just a fact


Mo • May 13, 2019
Ephesians 6:12 has nothing to do with masturbation.


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It's not if you're with your husband.. Always do it with you husband. If you're not with your husband your thought will fly and imagine all lustful scenes and faces of men.