Possible PCOS


A couple weeks ago I had my first appointment with a fertility doctor. Her resident played 21 questions with me and at the end he said that based off of my irregular cycles he wanted to say that I have PCOS. He went and talked with the doctor, they both came back in and she told me that before she can be certain in saying I have PCOS she wanted me to have more blood work done and then I needed to have a sonohysterogram done.

I had previously been seeing a local gynecologist and she had me do blood work a few times. I had an HSG done and my partner had a simple semen analysis done. Everything of mine and his came back good.

I got my period when I was 11 and my cycles were so regular. If my friends and I were planning a trip we planned it based off my period haha. I was the only consistent bleeder in the group. When I was 20 I was with a guy and things got terribly bad between us and I was worried that I'd end up pregnant so I went on birth control. When I was finally brave enough to leave him and got my life straightend out I went off of birth control. I was probably on it for a year max. After going off birth control my cycles never went back to being anything close to regular. Until a year ago when I was started on metformin.