Pet advice.....

Morgan • Married 💍 Mama🥰 Waylon James💙 Wynonna May💗

So I have a 6 month old son, and two dogs. I’ve had one for 7 years, she’s a yorkie mix, and my other is a pit mix and I’ve had him for 5. When he turned about 2, we moved from NC to NY and ever since he has had horrible anxiety. He self mutilates, shakes, shivers, jumps on top of you and pants. We have tried multiple anxiety meds for him and nothing helped.

To try and keep the story short, since my son was born he has NOT got on with him. I have to add that our dog tore his ACL and had surgery 2 months ago and is still recovering. For the 4 months prior he was “ok” with my son. Some days he would come right up and lick his face, but others he would growl if my son was even near him. To be safe, I decided to just start keeping them separated, and slowly introduced them every day at least once with positive reinforcement. It seemed to have been working, so I started letting my dog roam around the house again. In this time, about 2 weeks, he has growled, snipped and jolted at my son. (I am always present. I would never leave my son alone with him.) I always have them a safe distant apart but today, my son had spit up on the floor so I had him on my knee sitting on the couch bent over cleaning it up with my husband. I didn’t realize my dog was literally right next to us and my son must have reached for him - I noticed just in time and jumped away from him as he was trying to bite him.

I have tried giving him the benefit of the doubt. He has NEVER shown aggression to anyone. Even other children prior. My husband and I were sure it was because he was in pain from his injury and we needed to give it time. Now he is on anti inflammatory and pain meds and is healing well, so I’m assuming this is going to be his norm with my son.

Given his horrible anxiety - I feel like an irresponsible pet owner just giving him away. I don’t like giving up on pets. I never have. Never have I once rehomed a pet. I’m torn to pieces over this. But I can’t let my dog be locked away all day every day and I can’t not let my son crawl and play. It’s a constant headache. I just don’t know what to do.....

We have tried

Anxiety and behavioral training


Consulting with veterinarian

I don’t know any other options.....???!!!!