Pressure and pain during sex

Allie • Married since 2013 💍

The other day (the day my prediction below shows ovulation actually) I was having some very mild pain on my right side, almost like a poking near my ovary all day. Not too painful, just kind of annoying. Tonight my husband and I were having sex and the whole entire time I was having pain on that same side, and when he pushed forward to finish (because we are ttc), it was excruciating and I made an audible scream. Scared the s out of him. I know this is not possible, but the pain felt like pressure, as if he actually

pushed through the opening of my cervix to the right side. Has anybody ever had this happen, or do you know what it might be? We have been ttc for just over 1 year with one chemical pregnancy.

Here is my cycle calendar: