Sexual harassment?

So I just recently got my first job, I’m 16. I was super exited and still am, but some weird shit has been happening. First off, I’m the only female that works cook line so all the guys think that gives them a green light to hit on me. Which is not the case. One 21 year that worked with me wrote his Snapchat on a piece of burger wrap and put it in my butt pocket. Again I’m 16 so I’m that’s a little bit illegal. Then yesterday, our general manager, who by the way is everything you’d expect from a fast food manager. Super weird, long greasy hair, and just gives you weird vibes. Well I was working yesterday and you’re not allowed to sweep and mop until the breakfast rush is over. I have OCD and it was driving me up a wall that there was stuff on the floor. So, he let me sweep. While doing so I accidentally hit his foot and he replied with, “if you would have hit it a little harder I would h e enjoyed it” and there is 4 of us back there and I’m the only girl. The other 16 year old guy looked at me like wtf did he just say. So I giggled and went about my day. Then a few moments later, I had to sweep between him and he replied with, “if you wanna get between my legs just ask me cause we can make it happen” and then I got really uncomfortable. He calls me babe or baby every time I do something which that part doesn’t bother me because we’re from the south and that’s just kind of what we do. So I was willing to overlook that but not the rest of the stuff, also every time he needs to get around me he also wraps his hands around my waist. Which makes me super grossed out. So I came home and told my mom about it and she said I need to tell the district manager and that if I don’t she will because it’s sexual harassment. I just don’t want to go In their and raise a bunch if problems but also what he did is NOT ok